From Project to Product to ProjectThis is a cautionary tale. There is no happy ending here. It is a story of woe. It is a story of heartache. It is a story that has been…Jul 17, 2023Jul 17, 2023
Monoliths, Microservices, and MicrolithsI was speaking with JJ Jeyappragash (Twitter and LinkedIn) and Varun Talwar (Twitter and LinkedIn) and found we had some similar ideas on…Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
Leadership: Getting StartedA coworker of mine asked me a simple yet profound question: how do I start to be a leader? What are the initial steps I should be taking?Jul 28, 2022Jul 28, 2022
It’s been a whileIt’s been a year since I sat down to write. I have not spent the year in malaise but have been thoroughly engrossed in my new job and…Jul 7, 2022Jul 7, 2022
Practical DevOpsThe purpose of DevOps is to improve quality through education, understanding, compassion, mutual accountability and continuous improvement…Jul 1, 20211Jul 1, 20211
TODO: address the debtTechnical debt is a consequence of writing software as much as economic debt is a consequence of doing business. All debt must be paid…May 13, 2021May 13, 2021
Building TrustBuilding a team requires active engagement to build trust. This is a prescriptive set of actions to assist in creating & sustaining trustMay 2, 20211May 2, 20211
Story Time: Mission +Vision → World PeaceMission: build an ML backed API. Vision: change the world. An allegory of inspirational leadership.Apr 11, 2021Apr 11, 2021
Interlude: You Can’t Stop MeWorkout music inspiration…if I can’t stop me then you can’t stop me!Mar 4, 2021Mar 4, 2021
Creating Team IdentityTeams require identity to be effective. Creating team identity requires a clear mission, vision, and the trust to unify the collective.Feb 25, 2021Feb 25, 2021